Tuesday, November 22, 2011


November 22, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Pilate sentences Jesus; John 19:13-15

Darby: John 19:14. (now it was the preparation of the passover; it was about the sixth hour;) and he says to the Jews, Behold your king!

Funny how we can see sometimes what is right in front of us but not see it at all.  The Jewish people should have realized what was happening here.  Here was a person that they could pretty much tell had no sin in His life.  Passover was a time that a lamb was to be taken that was perfect and given up for the sins of the people.  The comparison was there, why did they not see it?

I see the same in me however.  I want the people around me to change, the fix themselves so that I can have a better life and be happy.  Just recently I realized it is not all them, it is me as well.  I need to see the reality that is me and get off of my self-centeredness.  I need to see that Jesus died for me and that because of that I need to be the best me that I can be.

It was so easy though, when i could blame everyone else and not me.

Read for next time: Pilate delivers Jesus to be crucified; John 19:16

Monday, November 21, 2011

Who is on the throne?

November 21, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Pilate tries to release Jesus again; John 19:12

Weymouth: John 19:12. Upon receiving this answer, Pilate was for releasing Him. But the Jews kept shouting, "If you release this man, you are no friend of Caesar's. Every one who sets himself up as king declares himself a rebel against Caesar."

Pilate has to make a decision here  He can pander to the crowd knowing that an innocent man will die, thereby being able to keep his position.  His other option is to release Jesus, in doing so he will get the Jewish leaders mad and they will tell his boss that he allowed a man to claim he was better than Cesar (the name is sort of like being called the king).   In other words, keep himself on the throne, or let Jesus claim the throne.

Every day I face a choice.  Though I have accepted Jesus as my saviour, there are times when I take Him off of the throne and put myself up there in his place.  It is my desire to have what I want, and it usually is not healthy choice.  The times that I have done better are when I can put Jesus up there and every day take time out to pray to Him, read the word and do some worship.

Just like Pilate I have a choice.  Every day, I pray that I make the right one.

Read for next time: Pilate sentences Jesus; John 19:13-15

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The greater sin

November 20, 2011The Life of Jesus; read today: Pilate questions Jesus again; John 19:8-11

KJV: John 19:11. Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above:  therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

Jesus acknowledged that Pilate was sinning here.  The greater sin, if there is such a thing of one sin being bigger than another, was that the Jewish authorities had turned Him over to Pilate to be killed. This is something that has a parallel in our modern life.

When I have an addiction it is a sin, there is no way to make that something that it is not  What will need to be looked at is the cause of it.  For many who have problems of co-dependency and/or addictions, the problems did not start in our adult years.  They go back to what is called the 'family of origin'.  People can affect you in many ways, some may even be very Christian like.  The truth is, that you were affected, and though your sin is sin, the fact that it affected you makes it sin as well.

One of the first steps to healing is to forgive.  So you need to do what Jesus did for Pilate, you must learn to forgive them.  This is not an easy task. It is so easy for us to hold on to our lifestyle the way it is.  It is however, necessary if we wish to grow.

Read for next time: Pilate tries to release Jesus again; John 19:12

Friday, November 18, 2011

Find no fault

November 18, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Pilate tries to release Jesus; John 19:4-7

BBE: John 19:4. And Pilate went out again and said to them, See, I let him come out to you to make it clear to you that I see no wrong in him.

It is possible to see Jesus as the way to salvation but not act on it.  Here he was with a man that he found no wrong in, yet he lacked the internal moral strength to do anything about it.  He knew the right thing to do and yet he avoided it.  For him it was a one time deal. Jesus was there and he had one chance to save him.

In my life before coming a Christian, I had the Gospel presented to me a number of times.  I said, yes, I see that Jesus was a good man, that He died for me, I just do not think that is for me.  Unlike Jesus and His one chance at being kept from being death, I had many chances to have Jesus as my savior.

It is possible to reject Jesus and then come to Him later. Pilate however did not have that chance. I am sure the Word would have told us about it if he had.  I must realize when I tell others about Jesus that, like me, it is up to them to receive or reject and let them live with their choice.

Read for next time: Pilate questions Jesus again; John 19:8-11

Thursday, November 17, 2011


November 17, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Pilate's soldiers crown and mock Jesus; Matthew 27:27-30; Mark 15:16-20; John 19:1-3

ESV: John 19:2. And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in a purple robe.

A crown and a robe of purple. That is was a sign of royalty in its day.  So these would be expected to be given to Jesus as He was the King of the Jews.  But these were not quite what they seem. The crown was made of thorns, and as it would be pushed on His head the spikes would break through the skin and He would bleed.

The robe also would not be comfortable to wear.  Jesus had just been whipped by the Roman guards and the wounds were still fresh.  The robe would have been put on His bloody body.  As the wounds began to heal, the cloth from the robe would have the blood dried on to it, and  become one with it.  Any movement of the robe would have hurt the bruised skin and where it was dried on, it would once again rip the flesh and reopen the wound.

I sometimes think I have it so tough. I have had so many problems in this world.  I have nothing like Jesus went through. Most of my problems are my own fault, none of what Jesus went through was His fault.  When I am tempted to cry out, 'unfair', I need to meditate on what Jesus went through so that I could have life, and life eternal.

Read for next time: Pilate tries to release Jesus; John 19:4-7

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Peer pressure

November 8, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Pilate releases Barabbas; Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:38-40

It is so easy for us in current day to judge the people in the crowd when Jesus was being sent to Pilate.  If I had been around would I have done what they did?

ESV: Matthew Chapter 27
 [20] Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.
[21] The governor again said to them, Which of the two do you want me to release for you? And they said, Barabbas.

I can tell myself all I want that I would never do to Jesus what they did, I would have stood up and tried to stop it, but there are two little words that would have kept me from doing so I am sure: peer pressure.

I know you are thinking that peer pressure is only done by youth and teens so that they can fit in and not be a dork.  It really takes place in adult life also. We all want to be accepted so we will give in often to be part of the group.  On the radio last week I heard a story about a man who was in a board meeting and he disagreed strongly with the person next to him on the issue being discussed at the time and they both let each other know.  At one point the chairman took a vote saying that those who agree would signify by standing.  One by one all the men stood up till he was the last one, and then, he stood us as well.  Though he disagreed, he let the peer pressure take over in him.

We are no different.  We want acceptance and to be part of what everyone is doing.  We would have been part of that crowd as well.  And we would have let the one who did not give in to pressure die.

Read for next time: Pilate's soldiers crown and mock Jesus; Matthew 27:27-30; Mark 15:16-20; John 19:1-3

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


November 8, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Herod's soldiers mock Jesus; Mark 15:1-5; Luke 23:11-12

Jubilee2000: Luke Chapter 23
[11] And Herod with his court despised him and mocked [him] and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him again to Pilate.
[12] And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together, for before they were at enmity between themselves.

It is sometimes amazing what will bring people together.  Using the social networking sites can be an experience.  I live in Oklahoma and we have had some earthquakes here the last few days.  On Facebook and Twitter I have seen the talk about these things increase, especially since the one we had most recently happened during a thunder storm.  People were all excited we might be in the end times.

Another thing I have noticed on these social network sites, trying to talk about Christianity. If you are low key about it then nothing happens but no one really notices.  If you tend to make a stand, then it is time for you to be bullied for your belief.  Generally it is by groups of people that would not get along together.  Things have not really changed.  Herod and Pilate were enemies of each other, but over the matter of Jesus, though both knew it was wrong, they stood together and became best friends. For their friendship Jesus had to die.

Understand, taking a stand will bring out enemies.  It is just amazing how that can bring people who would not otherwise be together to form a common bond.

Read for next time: Pilate releases Barabbas; Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:38-40

Monday, November 7, 2011

Seeking signs

November 7, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus before Herod; Luke 23:8-10

BBE: Luke Chapter 23 [8] Now when Herod saw Jesus he was very glad, having for a long time had a desire to see him, for he had had accounts of him, and was hoping to see some wonders done by him.
[9] And he put a great number of questions to him, but he said nothing.

Why did Herod want to ask Jesus these things.  Like Pilate he was sure to know of the things Jesus had done.  Unlike Pilate, he wanted a sign.  I believe that God still uses signs and wonders today.  However, they come not when people seek them, but when they seek God.  Herod wanted a sign so he could talk about how he had Jesus doing things for him and raising his stature.  That is the wrong reason.

I need to remember each day to keep my heart pure so that I will follow after Jesus not for what He can do for me, but so that I can thank the person who gives all life.

Read for next time: Herod's soldiers mock Jesus; Mark 15:1-5; Luke 23:11-12

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is the truth

November 4, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus before Pilate; Matthew 27:1-14; Luke 23:1-7; John 18:29-38

ESV: John 18:38. Pilate said to him, What is truth? After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, I find no guilt in him.

In verse 37 Jesus had just said His reason for coming, to bear witness to the truth.  Now I am sure that Pilate knew who Jesus was. I am sure that the politics of the era were all to familiar to him. Having followed what was going on I am sure he understood the teachings of Jesus, or at least have heard about them.  So he asks an interesting question. "What is the truth?"

That is a question that we all must ask.  As a Christian I believe I have the truth, not a truth. Some may say that I am judgemental because I believe that way. My answer is that I am not the one that judges, God does.

I may present the truth to some one and they may choose to ignore it.  It is no longer my problem.  Pilate asked about the truth and he had it in front of him.  All he does with it is to try convince the people not to kill Jesus.  He does nothing to try to stop what is happening.  Likewise when people hear the truth they can accept it as the truth, understand that it is a truth, or reject it.  My job is to present it, there choice is theirs.

Read for next time: Jesus before Herod; Luke 23:8-10

Friday, November 4, 2011

Was Judas co-dependent?

November 4, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Remorse of Judas; Matthew 27:1-10 Acts 1:16-20

NHEB: Matthew Chapter 27
[3] Then Judas, who betrayed him, when he saw that Jesus was condemned, felt remorse, and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
[4] saying, "I have sinned in that I betrayed innocent blood." But they said, "What is that to us? You see to it."
[5] He threw down the pieces of silver in the sanctuary, and departed. He went away and hanged himself.

For the last two years I have been part of a group that meets at my church that deals with addictions and co-dependency issues. I have learned many things over that time. One is that no one regrets something that they are about to do.  The only time that they regret what they do is after the fact.  The person who drinks does not regret it till after he looses his job.  The co-dependant spouse does not regret their actions till they realize what they have helped create, or are hurt because of it.

Judas realized too late the situation he was in.  I am thinking that he was a really co-dependant or had an addiction problem.  He wanted Jesus to be a man of action and by betraying Him, Judas could force the situation.  Only Jesus did not have the same agenda that Judas did.  He had his own agenda and it meant redemption for all, not just freedom for the Jewish people.

And so he regrets what he did, and commits suicide.  He could have thought things through and realized it was not as bad as it seemed.  Or better yet, he could have talked it out with Jesus, seen what Jesus had in mind. He could have thought it out and seen the consequences.

And that is something that I need to see in myself as well.  The actions that I take are what will influence my life in the future.  If, before I do the thing that is hurtful, I take the time to think what my actions will do, to call a friend to help me get through it, then I will not do the thing that is destructive in my life.  But that is hard to do.

Read for next time: Jesus before Pilate; Matthew 27:1-14; Luke 23:1-7; John 18:29-38

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


November 2, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus lead from Caiaphas to Praetorium; John 18:28

ABP: John 18:28. Then they led  Jesus from  Caiaphas unto the praetorium. And it was morning; and they did not enter into the praetorium, that they should not be defiled; but that they should eat the passover.

It is interesting that they would sentence a man to death is such a way.  They did not want the blood on their own hands, so they took Him to the Roman leaders. More importantly they wanted to keep themselves pure so that they could eat the Passover meal, the very thing that Jesus was a symbol of.

Most interesting to me is that they wanted to do it in such a respectable way. When we read the book of Acts, we see that stoning was common as they did it to Stephen and many of the new converts.  So why could they not do it here?  They wanted to make sure that Jesus had the most horrible death possible.He was to put to shame so that His story would be discredited.

In life we will face many challenges from many people. They will try to discredit us.  Just keep moving forward. Like Jesus, in the end you will be vindicated.

The Apostolic Bible Polyglot is a Greek-English Interlinear coded to Strong's numbers. Free printable PDFs can be downloaded and printed editions can be purchased at http://www.apostolicbible.com

Read for next time: Remorse of Judas; Matthew 27:1-10 Acts 1:16-20

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The whole world

November 1, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Sanhedrin beats Jesus; Matthew 26:67-68; Mark 14:65

GodsWord: Mark 14:65. Some of them began to spit on him. They covered his face and hit him with their fists. They said to him, "Prophesy!" Even the guards took him and slapped him.  

I posted a joke one day on my Facebook page. It said that ‘somedays I feel like the whole world is against me but I know that is not true, there are at least three third world countries that do not know who I am!”

In Jesus case, the whole world was against Him.  It was bad enough that the Jewish leaders were beating on Him, they convinced the guards to do it as well. The fact is that He did take all the weight of the world, including those third world countries, on Himself.  

I can not begin to understand the pain He went through. When I am feeling loneley, rejected and hurt, it would do me  good to take the time to look at this verse once again.  

Read for next time: Jesus lead from Caiaphas to Praetorium; John 18:28

Saturday, October 29, 2011


October 27, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Caiaphas condemns Jesus; Matthew 26:62-66; Mark 14:60-64; Luke 22:66-71

ESV: Luke Chapter 22
 [67] If you are the Christ, tell us. But he said to them, If I tell you, you will not believe,

Our job as Christians is not to force what we believe, but to let others know the word.  Some will not want to hear, and that is OK. Others will hear and accept, that is great.  But some, like these leaders, are looking for ways for you to trap yourself.

When I run in to these people, I take my example from Jesus.  I tell them what I believe you will not believe and then stop the discussion.  All they are trying to do is turn me away from my faith. They do not wish to discuss, which means a giving and taking of  opinions, they want to convert.

Know your faith, and know when to let the others have theirs.

Read for next time: Sanhedrin beats Jesus; Matthew 26:67-68; Mark 14:65

Friday, October 28, 2011

Can I Get A Witness

October 27, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  False witnesses testify; Matthew 26:59-61; Mark 14:55-59

ESV: Mark Chapter 14
 [55] Now the chief priests and the whole Council were seeking testimony against Jesus to put him to death, but they found none. [56] For many bore false witness against him, but their testimony did not agree. [57] And some stood up and bore false witness against him, saying, [58] We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands. [59] Yet even about this their testimony did not agree.

Jewish law said that any action against a criminal should be done by at least two if not more witnesses.  They were about to sentence Jesus to death and they could not get two witnesses to agree to what He had done.

Jesus stayed calm through it all.  Why? Because He knew, from two witnesses, who He was. God the father and the Holy Spirit gave witness to Him of His destiny and who He was through out His life.

When people get angry around me I too have to learn to listen not to those who attack me,but to the two (or more) who know me and what I am. They are the same ones Jesus knew to listen to.

Read for next time: Caiaphas condemns Jesus; Matthew 26:62-66; Mark 14:60-64; Luke 22:66-71

Thursday, October 27, 2011


October 27, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Guards beat Jesus; Luke 22:63-65

Darby: Luke 22:65. And they said many other injurious things to him.

There are a lot of different words used in various translations, I like this one.  The King James uses blasphemously in place of injurious.  With the usage of today, that would imply they spoke out against Jesus in a way to injure the religious belief of Him. In order to so that, it would imply that they knew who Jesus really was. So while slanderous in today’s standards, they were more injurious to Jesus then.

And Jesus being injured by the words and actions of these men is something that I can relate to with a little more ease.  I have had my share of things said to hurt me by a wide variety of people.  In the end, I have had to learn one thing.  It does not matter what others say about me, it only matters what I say about myself. No one can make me feel any way, I make myself feel the way I do.  I imagine that Jesus did the same thing.  When they tried to break Him, He told Himself who He was.  He was not what they said He was, He was the Son of God.

It is a lesson that I have to re-tell myself from time to time. I am not what others tell me I am.  I am what God says that I am. He says that I am good.

Read for next time: False witnesses testify; Matthew 26:59-61; Mark 14:55-59

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rooster Crow Experience

October 26, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Peter's 3rd denial - relative of Malchus; Matthew 26:73-75; Mark 14:70-72; Luke 22:59-62; John 18:26-27

Weymouth: Matthew Chapter 26
 [73] A short time afterwards the people standing there came and said to Peter, "Certainly you too are one of them, for your brogue shows it." [74] Then with curses and oaths he declared, "I do not know the man." Immediately a cock crowed,

In my own life there have been cases when I have had a ‘rooster crow’ experience like Peter did here. Some I did not listen to, most I did. In every case, it was God gently nudging me to listen to Him and take the right actions.  Why?

Why am I not able to live the best life possible? Why do I need God to prompt and nudge me?  I guess because I am imperfect. I have flaws. I say things that I will do and then do not do them. I try not to, but I have this thing called flesh that wants its needs met more than it should.

Like Peter, who put the needs of his life before Jesus life, I also will have moments when I will hear the rooster crow, and weep when I realize how off course I am.  Then God knows that I am back on course for Him for a while.

Read for next time: Guards beat Jesus; Luke 22:63-65

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The company you keep

October 25, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Peter's 2nd denial - by the fire; Matthew 26:71-72; Mark 14:69-70;Luke 22:58; John 18:25

MKJV: Mark 14:70. And he denied it again. And a little after, those who stood by said again to Peter, Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean, and your speech agrees.

My daughter was feeling a little down last night. She had problems dealing with the stuff at her school.  I listened for a while and then I told her, I can not understand what you are going through, but I went through a lot of the same stuff.  Reading today’s verse brought that back to me.  Whether we like it or not, the people we hang around with tend to rub off on us.

And so it was with Peter. Jesus was a Galilean, Peter was too, that must make him a follower of Jesus.  Their speech was of a similar nature. While the Bible does not record it, I am sure that there were other similarities as well.  Peter tried to hide those things, deny them, to save his flesh.

When you think of it, it would be pretty nice to be compared to Jesus. That when people see you, they see Jesus. That would mean you have been hanging around Him for a while and he is wearing off on you.  My only concern, for myself at least, is that I will wind up denying Him.

Read for next time: Peter's 3rd denial - relative of Malchus; Matthew 26:73-75; Mark 14:70-72; Luke 22:59-62; John 18:26-27

Monday, October 24, 2011


October 23, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Annas questions Jesus; John 18:19-24

GodsWord: John 18:21. Why do you question me? Question those who heard what I said to them. They know what I've said."

Interesting choice of words Jesus spoke. He did not tell them to go find people to testify, to go out to the streets to get the people. The reason was because at least two of them were close enough to give testimony, Peter and John.  At this point they should have come forward to testify for them, they did not.

Sometimes I feel bad that I do not make a stand for Jesus, and I should.  We all know that Peter would weep heavily in just a few more verses.  There is some ray of hope in this for me. I do not say that I am on the same level as the apostles, but I can see that they were human just like me and they went on to form the basis of Christianity as we know it.  They failed Jesus repeatedly, and yet He used them to build His church.  Kind of means there is still hope for me (and you).

Read for next time: Peter's 2nd denial - by the fire; Matthew 26:71-72; Mark 14:69-70;Luke 22:58; John 18:25

Sunday, October 23, 2011


October 23, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Peter's 1st denial - doorkeeping girl; Matthew 26:69-70; Mark 14:66-68; Luke 22:55-57; John 18:17-18

ESV: Luke 22:55. And when they had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Peter sat down among them.

This was not Peter’s place. As one of Jesus closest people his position was at his side.  While Jesus was facing a trial of make believe charges, Peter should have been with Him.  So why was he warning himself by the fire.

Even though Peter was close to Jesus, he still has a human body.  That body has a need for it’s own self preservation. Being where Jesus was did not lead well to that.

How often have I not been by the side of Jesus when I should have. Recently a person where I work tore apart those of religious faith. This is not a person that I normally work in their area, so I just let them have their rant and got out.  Why. Self-preservation.  Why did I not say that I know otherwise.  I was like Peter,denying Jesus and warming myself with the fire of keeping my job.  I wonder how many others do this each day.

Read for next time: Annas questions Jesus; John 18:19-24

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Following Jesus Safely

October 21, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Peter follows at a distance; Matthew 26:58; Mark 14:54; Luke 22:54; John 18:15-16

 ESV: Matthew 26:58. And Peter was following him at a distance, as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and going inside he sat with the guards to see the end

I wonder sometimes how many of us are like Peter. I know I am in this case.  I do not want people to know I am a Christian sometimes.  So I follow Jesus but I keep back. Maybe I hear the off-color joke and let it pass with out any comment. So my walk with Jesus is compromised and I take a few steps back behind Him. When enough of these happen I am now back at a safe distance. It does Jesus no good at that time as I can not really tell others about Him.

Lord, help me learn not to follow at a safe distance. Let me be right up there with Him.

Read for next time: Peter's 1st denial - doorkeeping girl; Matthew 26:69-70; Mark 14:66-68; Luke 22:55-57; John 18:17-18

Friday, October 21, 2011

Finding Wisdom

October 20, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus lead to high priest's house; Matthew 26:57; Mark 14:53; Luke 22:54; John 18:13-14

In have often heard it said that even if a man is in sin, if he has accepted Jesus he can still speak the word of God and it can come to fruit.  Maybe God has this in mind one day.

BBE: John Chapter 18
 [13] They took him first to Annas, because Annas was the father-in-law of Caiaphas who was the high priest that year. [14] It was Caiaphas who had said to the Jews that it was in their interest for one man to be put to death for the people.

Caiaphas was no big fan of Jesus I am sure.  So the words that he spoke were aimed at having Jesus killed.  He was beginning to be noticed by the Roman government and the Jewish leaders feared that His popularity would mean more interferences and with that, a lack of power for themselves.  They wanted the status quo for themselves and the nation. If Jesus gets too much attention they are out of jobs.

In saying these words, he reveals that even sinners can speak the word of God. While it was good that Jesus die that they could get rid of their problem, it was also good for future generations that he die also.  Without that death, we are still dead in our sins.

One of the first devotionals I wrote for this running devotional talked about finding God’s word in every day things (http://dailydevotionbob.blogspot.com/2007/02/feb-12-2007.html). It covers Proverbs 1:20 where Wisdom is crying in the streets.  God’s word can speak to us from a TV show, a newspaper, from so many things, if we take the time to get His word in us. Only then will we see it in our lives.  If Caiaphas had more understanding of the scriptures, he would have seen the truth of his own words and not how he could protect himself.

Read for next time: Peter follows at a distance; Matthew 26:58; Mark 14:54; Luke 22:54; John 18:15-16

On a side note, according to Blogspot, where this devotion has been since its beginning, this is the 1000 devotion I have written.  It started on Sunday Feb. 11, 2007.  If I had been at it daily I should have reached this milestone somewhere around the end of 2009.  I am two years late in reaching it.  I thank all those who have stuck with me in the various venues that it appears.  Along with Blogger it started with and still has a mailing list. Over the years I have added Google Orkut, Facebook, YouVersion and the newest one, Scriptly (http://docbob.scriply.com/).  If any of you are looking for a place to start a Bible Blog I recommend Scriptly as it has excellent tools build around Bible blogging.

When I started this devotion I had just finished surgery and was recuperating.  Since then I have lost a job, got a new job, got a promotion and step back down from it, and recently found out I have early stage prostate cancer.  I seek your prayers in everything, but especially that the next 1000 devotionals get done in a lot more timely fashion. I really have no excuse for the delays except personal problems that I have gone through and just have not had the time or energy to do them.

Thanks for all who have been with me and the new ones that have joined.  May we reach 2000 in about 2.7 years from now.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Future

October 20, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus is arrested. The disciples flee; Matthew 26:55-56; Mark 14:48-52; Luke  22:52-54; John 18:12

NET: Luke 22:54. Then they arrested Jesus, led him away, and brought him into the high priest's house. But Peter was following at a distance.

I think a lot of people, including myself, are a lot like Peter.  He followed Jesus for a long time and when times got rough he ran away.  But even though he ran, He still followed Jesus.  I know my own life was like that.  I ran from God at one point because I was not happy with the way my life was going in His hands.  I kept a close distance to Him though.  I would not go to church but I would make friends with people who were Christians.  In all of it I wanted to live life my way.

In reading ahead, we know that Peter too will want to keep his distance like I did. We also know he went on to be a driving force in the church.  All from a man who at this point in time would be considered a failure.

That kind of gives me a hope.  In life I have been a failure in so many things. I have messed up beyond belief.  Still, it is possible for me, as it was for Peter, to be used by God.

Read for next time: Jesus lead to high priest's house; Matthew 26:57; Mark 14:53; Luke 22:54; John 18:13-14

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lessons from the past

October 19, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Jesus heals the high priest's servant; Luke 22:51

ESV: Luke 22:51. But Jesus said, No more of this! And he touched his ear and healed him.

Jesus put a stop to the madness around Him.  He got His men to stop the fighting and then He did something interesting.  From the previous verse, the owner of the salve is told to be the High Priest.  I can only stop and think what it was like, day in and day out when the High Priest looked at this man and his ear.  Did he dismiss the stories of the ear being cut off?  Did he wonder why Jesus would have done it?  Did he realize that Jesus was truly who He said He was, only too late?

Actions in my life, both by me and to me,are going to affect things for years to come, and I may never know what the results may be.  From time to time I need to stop and reflect on them, to learn from them.  I can only hope that the High Priest learned from the actions of Jesus.  I need to take a look at the actions of others to me, see what I can learn from them. There are lessons to be learned when I look at why things were done.

Read for next time: Jesus is arrested. The disciples flee; Matthew 26:55-56; Mark 14:48-52; Luke  22:52-54; John 18:12

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


October 5, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Peter severs the ear of Malchus; Matthew 26:50-54; Mark 14:46-47; Luke 22:49-50; John 18:10-11

I recently listened to a tape series about men who were failures in the Bible, but God was able to use them. These were men like Sampson, Abraham, and most especially David.  I think I would like to include one more into the mix, Peter.

I have to love Peter when it comes to reading about him.  Here was a man who was so bold as to attempt to walk on water. He was bold enough to take a stand that he would never run from Jesus, and he did try to make good on it.  He just did it, like he did so much in his life, the wrong way.

ESV: John Chapter 18
 [10] Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus.) [11] So Jesus said to Peter, Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given me?

Jesus knew the priority in his life, He knew what was to come.  Peter did not and tried, not knowing what Jesus knew, to do the right thing.  Jesus would use the impulsive actions of Peter for good later, but it still was the wrong thing to do.

So often in my life I have tried to help Jesus, tried to tell Him how to take care of my problems.  In reality, He knows what to do and I need to learn to trust Him to take care of things.  Like the servant’s ear, Jesus can make things right, but if I could learn not to try to do things my own way, maybe it would be better for all.

Read for next time: Jesus heals the high priest's servant; Luke 22:51

Friday, September 16, 2011

Facing Problems

September 16, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Jesus answers the mob with authority; John 18:4-9

ESV: John 18:5. They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said to them, I am he. Judas, who betrayed him, was standing with them.

Jesus had never been one to avoid a problem but I can imagine that this was a time that He was tempted to.  Death is on its way and these people care going to take Him to it. He could have run away. He could have called angels to His side to defend Him. He could have forced the soldiers to identify Him (Judas had taken care of that thought). He does none of these. He asks whom they seek. He faces the problem head on.

Like Jesus I have to face problems head on. In a self-help group that I am that deals with co-dependency and addictions one of the things that I have learned is that even if the problems in my life are the result of other peoples actions, they still are my problems. I can not make excuses as the why they are there. I can not say I have a choice to react this way because of what they did to me.  I need to roll up my sleeves and address them head on.

Like Jesus, there is going to be pain in my future. Running from it can only delay the pain, and most likely make everything worse in the process.  If I face it head on, like Jesus, the reward on the other side of the problems will be great.

Read for next time: Peter severs the ear of Malchus; Matthew 26:50-54; Mark 14:46-47; Luke 22:49-50; John 18:10-11

Friday, September 9, 2011

Why a kiss?

September 2, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss; Matthew 26:48-50, Mark 14:44-45; Luke 22:47-48

I wonder about things sometimes.  Why was a kiss used by Judas to betray Jesus? Why use Judas at all.  Why not just have someone come and arrest him.

ESV: Luke Chapter 22
 [47] While he was still speaking, there came a crowd, and the man called Judas, one of the twelve, was leading them. He drew near to Jesus to kiss him, [48] but Jesus said to him, Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?

Then one day I head a song the late Michael Card called ‘Why’.

Why did it have to be a friend who chose to betray the Lord?
and why did he use a kiss to show them, that's not what a kiss is for?
Only a friend can betray a friend, a stranger has nothing to gain.
and only a friend comes close enough to ever cause so much pain.

It all kind of makes sense when you think of those word.  Strangers would not betray Him, they would not be able to get close enough to identify Him.  For Jesus to have the full effect, it would have to be done by a friend.  A mob coming after Him would not have done it.

I have felt the betrayal of a friend, and I know I am not perfect by any means.  How much more painful would this have been, coming from one who loved Him.

I can only imagine what that paid was like.

Read for next time: Jesus answers the mob with authority; John 18:4-9

Friday, September 2, 2011


September 2, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Mob comes to arrest Jesus; Matthew 26:47; Mark 14:43; John 18:2-3

ESV: John Chapter 18
 [2] Now Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place, for Jesus often met there with his disciples.
 [3] So Judas, having procured a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, went there with lanterns and torches and weapons.

So the end of Jesus life here on earth begins.  Though He taught openly during the day, and He brought light to the people, the end begins in the dark.

When it is dark, you need light to see. So Judas comes with some light, but not the light. The soldiers carry some small lanterns and torches. They thought that in the light they had, they were doing what was right.

That is the problem, I can be influenced by light that is not the light, but a counterfeit.  They can influence me to do things, gossip about people, desire things that should not, etc.

I need to learn to move away from the small light and move too THE light.  The small ones are ones sent by Satan to deceive me.

Read for next time: Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss; Matthew 26:48-50, Mark 14:44-45; Luke 22:47-48

Want to know what is going on in my brain?  Check out http://dr_bob.blogspot.com/
Daily Devotional for you at http://dailydevotionbob.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

An alternative to temptation

August 12, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane; Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:40-46

ESV: Luke 22:46. and he said to them, Why are you sleeping? Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation.

I know this might be hard to believe, but I am human and I sin.  I have begun to notice that as I work my way through things I have had to lean on prayer.  At time I have not done so.  I have tried to wrestle though things thinking that this was a ‘thorn in the flesh’ that I would have to deal with.  It was not one.  I would fight my flesh in the natural, and then at the end of the day I would go to sleep not having prayed about it. The next day it was still there and I would struggle some more.

Today however I discovered something thing new.  For some reason I did not understand I felt this strong urge and it came out of the clear blue sky.  There was no logic behind wanting to do this thing, it just came up.  As I remembered pondering on this verse, I decided to take it to God in prayer.  I did not want that temptation.

Later, I noticed that the desire had left me.  I asked God what was different and I got two things. One, I had taken the time to ask for His help, and two, I had been under a great deal of pressure to get a task done, and when it was done, the extra adrenalin had no place to go, so it was wanting to get out the only way it could before.

Now I am far from being perfect. But I have found a new tool to help me in my fight from wanting to sin.

Read for next time: Mob comes to arrest Jesus; Matthew 26:47; Mark 14:43; John 18:2-3

Friday, August 12, 2011


August 12, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: The fellowship enters Gethsemane; Matthew 26:36; Mark 14:32; Luke 22:39-40; John 18:1

ESV: Matthew 26:36. Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, Sit here, while I go over there and pray.

ESV: Mark 14:32. And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, Sit here while I pray.

ESV: Luke Chapter 22
[39] And he came out and went, as was his custom, to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed him. [40] And when he came to the place, he said to them, Pray that you may not enter into temptation.

ESV: John 18:1. When Jesus had spoken these words, he went out with his disciples across the Kidron Valley, where there was a garden, which he and his disciples entered.

Normally in writing these, I try to find one verse that sticks out, but I feel today that all must be added.  I find it interesting in two of the four Gospels that it is Jesus is the one to pray while the disciples sit, in one, Jesus tells the disciples to pray and in one, pray is not mentioned at all.  Though not mentioned, it could be assumed that there was prayer going on. After a Passover meal prayer is usually observed and what better place than a garden to do it in.

So we can assume from all this that prayer is important.  And it is. What type of prayer becomes the question.  Jesus did not enter in with the disciples in prayer here.  He encourages them to pray and He prays also.  What he have here is prayer to God in one on one terms.  I have heard so much teaching on prayer being a corporate thing, and I do not deny there is strength in it, but there is a time for just talking to God alone, and this was one of those times.

In the hour that was the darkest, Jesus took some time to pray, something that I can learn from as well.  And He did not use His friends to pray with, also something that I can learn from.

Read for next time: Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane; Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:40-46

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kept from evil

August 11, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: Jesus prays for his disciples; John 17:1-26

MKJV: John 17:15. I do not pray for You to take them out of the world, but for You to keep them from the evil.

I read this and I wonder, why, if evil is not allowed to happen to me, why does it?  Recently diagnosed with a cancer, I asked God why did this happen. I asked Him about all the other events in my life that have happened, why if I am to  be kept from evil, did these happen.  As He sometimes does, when I ask questions of God, there is a profound silence. In those times I have learned to be still. Eventually, everything will become clear as I put myself in situations to hear from God, though it may take some time.

A few days later it hit me why evil happens to me.  God says that I will be kept from evil, but that does not mean that I cannot walk to it of my own free will.  The problems that I have in my life are a direct result of choices that I have made over the years.  In many of those situations, I was moving away from God, moving towards evil.  

Even in my daily walk today, do I want to take the time to write my personal thoughts on scripture, or do I want to play one more game on Facebook? one more TV program? Anything that I do to avoid time in fellowship with God results in me moving away from Him and towards evil, and when I do, then I can not say to God, ‘why did you not keep me from evil’?

Read for next time: The fellowship enters Gethsemane; Matthew 26:36; Mark 14:32; Luke 22:39-40; John 18:1

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


August 10, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: The farewell discourse; John 15:1-16:33

As I write these words it is morning in the Tulsa area where I live.  A huge thunder storm has just passed through the area taking down tree limbs and knocking out power.  It has also cooled down what has been an extremely hot summer with temperatures in triple digits for the last month and a half.   Still, when the storm came through, I was sound asleep.  It was not always this way however.  

As a child I was scared of storms. When power went out I was in fear.  I was a latch key kid before the term became well used. In the 1950’s and 60’s my mom and dad both worked.  By first grade I was letting myself into the house as my older brothers would be off playing someplace.  So I spent a lot of time alone.  We did not have a lot of storms, but when they came they were strong and I was alone.  

Now I am older.  I have learned one thing through the teachings of the Gospel that have let me sleep through violent storms like the one last night.

ESV: John 16:32. Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me.

Like Jesus, I am never truly alone.  I always have Him with me to weather the storms.  I must make the effort however, to remind myself of that in day to day life.  While I seem to be able to deal with natural storms, the storms inside myself will take a bit more taming, I know I can do it though because the Father is with me.

Read for next time: Jesus prays for his disciples; John 17:1-26

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sing a song

August 9, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  They sing a hymn and leave; Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; John 14:31

LEB: Matthew 26:30. And after they had sung the hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.  

Everything in Jesus life revolved around worship of God.  Even at a time that He knew that was leading to His death, He made sure that they took the time to worship God before they moved on.  

In my life I sometimes wonder.  Before I go to the doctor’s office, do I take time to sing praise to God? Or as I get up and drive myself to work?  Or in any number of things that I do in the day, where has God been assigned?

Read for next time: The farewell discourse; John 15:1-16:33

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Faith or works

August 7, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus responds to Judas not Iscariot; John 14:22-31

I have seen much discussion in the church over the years of works versus faith.  One says that you can not be a Christian if you do not do the works that Christ would do, and the other says that the only way to be a Christian is to accept Jesus as your savior, good works get you no place.  I wonder what Jesus reaction would be?

BBE: John 14:24. He who has no love for me does not keep my words; and the word which you are hearing is not my word but the Father's who sent me.

I really do not need to think about His reaction, do I?  While faith gets you in the door, if you really are Jesus disciple, you will want to act like Him, and keep the words that He speaks and get from the Father.

Read for next time: They sing a hymn and leave; Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; John 14:31

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Not alone

August 6, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus responds to Philip; John 14:8-21

ESV: John 14:18. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you

My life has been a struggle lately.  I have had some bad news, and have tried to have faith to make it through each situation.  Sometimes my faith was not as strong as others.  In those times, I had, and continue to, have to keep my thoughts on a couple of things. One is that I know that I will never be given more than I can handle.  The other is, that through it all, I know that I am not alone, I am not an orphan.  Jesus is going to come back some day to take me home to the Father.  

Knowing those things helps to make it thought the bad times.

Read for next time: Jesus responds to Judas not Iscariot; John 14:22-31

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Have you seen my Father?

July 26, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus responds to Thomas; John 14:5-7

‘A chip off the old block.’ ‘Apple does not fall far from the tree.’ ‘Like father, like son.’  All are expressions that I have heard over the years.  They all mean the same thing.  Something I have grown to resent.  Because my dad was an drinker meant that I was going to be so also and I had to work hard not to be like him.  I did so. Never have I taken a drink so I am not like him. Yet, Jesus says something curious in today’s reading.

ESV: John 14:7. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.

So Jesus is trying to say, if you know Me (Jesus), then you know my Father (God). Jesus is basically saying that it is true.  So what does that leave for my relationship with my father? Am I like my father?  The answer is yes. Though I have tried to change things I could only change a little.  While I do not drink, I still had problems with anger like he used to display.  I still also display the work all the time, no time for family push that he did as well.

So like Jesus, if you have seen me, you have seen my father.

On the other hand, I also have a heavenly Father.  I need to get close to Him and take on His characteristics.  So if you see me, you will see my Father.

Read for next time: Jesus responds to Philip; John 14:8-21

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Troubled Hearts

July 9, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus comforts the disciples; John 14:1-4

ESV: John Chapter 14
[1] Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
[2] In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

I really do miss so much when I do not read the Bible straight through.  The breaking up of chapter and verse can lead to breaks that may not be the best place to put them.  So it is as I ponder on the verses for today.  Why does Jesus tell the disciples not to be worried? Why does He talk about building them a house and coming back for them? It does not help that ministers usually preach this as one piece and ignore what is around it.

What is before it is important.  It deals with Peter and the disciples telling Jesus that they will not desert them.  Jesus replies by telling that not only will they do so, but Peter will deny them three times.  Can you feel the tension in the room? Jesus looks at them all, their mouths dropped, maybe in fear that because they will abandon Jesus, that He will be abandon them first.

So Jesus turns to them, ‘do not be troubled, believe in me and in God.  I will come back for you and we will be together.’  There are times that I abandon God, that I want my own way.  At those times I often feel how could God love me anymore.  Like the disciples I must understand the concept of unconditional love.  That no matter what I do, God still loves me.  I may not deserve it but He does, and if I turn to Him when I am at my lowest, He will always accept me back.

Read for next time: Jesus responds to Thomas 14:5-7

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Two swords enough?

July 7, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus warns the disciples to be prepared; Luke 22:35-38

They were up for the fight of their life. They were to have thousands of soldiers come to meet them.  Jesus had told them that He was going to send them out in to the world.  He told them that they needed to prepare themselves.  They, as usual, misunderstood.

LEB: Luke 22:38. So they said, “Lord, behold, here are two swords!”
And he said to them, “It is adequate.”

Yet, somehow, Jesus answer was not that far off.  They really did not need more than two swords.  They really only needed one sword, the ‘sword of the Spirit’.  They only really need that one.  If they were going to be telling the world about Jesus, they needed the Spirit to guide them.  If they were to fight the armies of Rome (and they were about to meet them), they needed the Spirit to guide them as well. 

When I live my life each day, I really do need to take a sword to a gun fight. As long as that sword is the sword of the Spirit.

Read for next time: Jesus comforts the disciples; John 14:1-4
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Deny Jesus?

July 5, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus predicts Peter's denials; Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:33-34; John 13:36-38

It is said there are no atheist in foxholes, that all men when they are in a situation facing death realize that there is a God and pray. Never having been a solider I do not know. I do know that those who believe that there is not prayer in school have not been around during mid-terms and finals.

In either case, any conversion that happens will not stick. It is not because the people do not mean it, I am confident that they do.  While they have come face to face with death, they have not come face to face with Jesus.

Peter had walked with Jesus every day, had not only seen the miracles that Jesus did, he had participated in them himself.  Yet, like the foxhole conversions, Jesus knows the real heart of the person, and He did Peter as well.  Peter denied it though, he was going to stick with Jesus all the way.

BBE: Mark 14:31. But he said with passion, If I have to be put to death with you, I will not be false to you. And they all said the same.

We all can make claims that we will not fail Jesus.  I have made so many of them myself it is pitiful.  And we will fail in them.  But pick  yourself up, dust yourself off and start again.  Because like Peter, you will come to know Jesus in a much deeper way, and when you do, the failures become less and less.  At that point, there is no more denying Him.

Read for next time: Jesus warns the disciples to be prepared; Luke 22:35-38
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Want to know what is going on in my brain?  Check out http://dr_bob.blogspot.com/
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Thursday, June 30, 2011

When a brother fails

June 30, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus tells Simon he prayed for him; Luke 22:31-32

ESV: Luke Chapter 22
[31] Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat,
[32]     but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.

I have had a ‘was that in the Bible’ moment. One of those where  you pick a verse to meditate, read, study on and then something jumps out at you that you never saw before.

I have always read these two verses like this: “Peter, Satan wants to have you and I am going to pray for you so that you will not betray me. “

Looking at it today I see something different: “Peter, I know you are going to fail me, it is in your nature to do so.  But I pray that when you fail, you will not loose faith in me, and you will be able to help the others.’

Big difference.  Jesus knew Peter was going to fail. Praying for him not to fail would have been stupid.  What Jesus said to Peter that day, and He says to me today is that when you fail, and you are going to, Jesus will be there to help you get back up if you will turn to Him.  Then with that pick up, you need to go and help the others of faith not to sin, or to help pick them up when they fall.  This is especially true if when they fail, they loose their faith in Jesus.

Read for next time: Jesus predicts Peter's denials; Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:33-34; John 13:36-38

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Your view of the world

June 28, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Jesus predicts the disciples' denial; Matthew 26:31-32; Mark 14:27-28

NET: Matthew Chapter 26

[31] Then Jesus said to them, "This night you will all fall away because of me, for it is written:'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'  [32] But after I am raised, I will go ahead of you into Galilee."

For a self-help group that I am part of at my church I have been reading the book Safe People (Cloud and Townsend).  It has been a real eye opener in why some of my relationships do not work.  Like many others, I am at times an unsafe person.  Why? The main reason is that I sin and that breaks a trust relationship that I have with other people.  The safe person realizes when he has done this and works on trying to fix what he has broken when and if it is possible.  

The authors then go on to define what sin is.  It is true it is from Adam and Eve and it is passed on to each one of us. In reality, what it breaks down to is that we have a desire not to be dependant on anyone or anything, including God.  We want to be the creator and not the created.  And so we now try to make the world our way.  When others do this as well conflict happens.

Today’s verse once again shows that the people of Bible time were not a lot different from me.  Jesus tells them that they will sin. Why will they sin? They will sin because the world that they had envisioned was not the world Jesus had. Without Jesus to hold them together, they would run and separate.  It was only when they received the Holy Spirit that they were able to see the world that Jesus saw it.

I need to have that vision of the world as my savior sees it.  In that case, when I do, I will be less likely to want my world and want His in its place.

Read for next time: Jesus tells Simon he prayed for him; Luke 22:31-32

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If you want to be 1st...

June 28, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Dispute about the greatest disciple; Luke 22:24-30

There is a show called 'Undercover Boss' that has a head of a company go to work at bottom levels of the company. Generally there is a humbling experience for both the boss and the people he is paired with.

One episode I saw had the boss of a casino in Las Vegas paired with the general workers. He saw both sides of them, the public smiling side and the non-public side where they talked about their trials. One woman seemed to be happy no matter where she was at. Asked the secret about her joy she took the boss with her during lunch break.

They went to a florist shop and picked up some flowers that were old and about to be thrown out but still looked good.  They then went to a nursing home and brought joy to the patients that received them. Each day, she explained she spent her lunch hour doing this with different stores and nursing homes.

MKJV: Luke Chapter 22
 [26] But you shall not be so: but the greater among you, let him be as the lesser, and he who governs, as one who serves.

In the end, when they had the reveal part of the show, he let her know how much she had influenced him, and he would be honored to go out with her on theses trips. Arrangements were made to take the older flowers from the casino and hotel and give them to her as well as a donation of fiances and a van.

More important however, was the fact that the man took his family on trips to do the same thing without that woman. He had learned that to be a really big person, you need to be a servant to others.

Read for next time: Jesus predicts the disciples' denial; Matthew 26:31-32; Mark 14:27-28

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Love one another...

June 23, 2011

The Life of Jesus; A new commandment; John 13:31-35

LEB: John 13:35. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples—if you have love for one another.”

Read easy verse to read and follow isn’t it?  Or is it?

It is easy to love those who are down and out, help them out with finances or something, no big deal.  And it is easy to love those people we see in church and Sunday school, after all we see them once a week.

But how about those you work with every day.  The one who really rubs you the wrong way. Or the one who got the promotion that you were supposed to get.

Shall I bring it closer to home?  Your spouse, your kids?

It is really easy to love those we do not deal with on a day to day basis. But those we are connected to the most need love as well.  And yet, our churches are filled with people getting divorces because they do not ‘love each other’ anymore.

If I am to show my love, ‘one for another,’ shouldn't I be showing that love to my wife as well as the stranger?

Read for next time: Dispute about the greatest disciple; Luke 22:24-30

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Daily Devotional for you at http://dailydevotionbob.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


June 22, 2011

The Life of Jesus; Judas leaves; John 13:27-30

WEB: John Chapter 13
 [30] Therefore, having received that morsel, he went out immediately. It was night.

The darkness is when the bad things happen to  me.  I am not talking about night time, but the darkness.  Yesterday was summer solstice, the longest day in the year. If there was a day of light and not dark ruling that would be it. As they day went on as I went from one job to the next, I felt alone, inadequate, not needed.  The darkness was surrounding me.

I have found that when the darkness starts to surround me, that is when I give in to sin the most.  While it is a struggle, I must work each day to keep myself from going down the dark path. If I do not do so, then like Judas, I may think I find what I want, but in the end it will be destruction.

Read for next time: A new commandment; John 13:31-35

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


June 21, 2011

The Life of Jesus; Jesus predicts his betrayal; Matthew 26:21-25; Mark
14:18-21; Luke 22:21-23; John 13:21-26

I think it interesting that of the four Gospels, very few stories are
in all four.  The Last Supper is one of those.  Even in that event,
they all could not agree what happened, not that the four stories
cannot be the same event, just that they are different. Matthew hints
that Judas is the betrayer, but except for John, no one names him.  In
fact Matthew is kind of vague about it.

ESV: Matthew 26:23. He answered, He who has dipped his hand in the
dish with me will betray me.

Couldn’t that have been any one at the table? Or even worse, it could
have been me. How many times have I betrayed Him. And yet I take
communion and dip my hand in His dish.  Yet He forgives me each time.
The more I read the Bible, the more that I find it has people like me
all over it.

Read for next time: Judas leaves 13:27-30

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