Monday, October 24, 2011


October 23, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today:  Annas questions Jesus; John 18:19-24

GodsWord: John 18:21. Why do you question me? Question those who heard what I said to them. They know what I've said."

Interesting choice of words Jesus spoke. He did not tell them to go find people to testify, to go out to the streets to get the people. The reason was because at least two of them were close enough to give testimony, Peter and John.  At this point they should have come forward to testify for them, they did not.

Sometimes I feel bad that I do not make a stand for Jesus, and I should.  We all know that Peter would weep heavily in just a few more verses.  There is some ray of hope in this for me. I do not say that I am on the same level as the apostles, but I can see that they were human just like me and they went on to form the basis of Christianity as we know it.  They failed Jesus repeatedly, and yet He used them to build His church.  Kind of means there is still hope for me (and you).

Read for next time: Peter's 2nd denial - by the fire; Matthew 26:71-72; Mark 14:69-70;Luke 22:58; John 18:25