Saturday, September 29, 2007

Do as I say?

September 29, 2007

Often people want to appear to be spiritual. They want to be one way in front of others and another in private. How many times have you heard of a marriage that looked good on the outside to people but in private they were on the edge of divorce. Spiritually they want every one to think that they are the best, and they will speak out against things that they themselves do in private. They are hypocrites.

The problem is not new. Paul experienced it in the early church.

Gal 2:14 GW
(14) But I saw that they were not properly following the truth of the Good News. So I told Cephas in front of everyone, "You're Jewish, but you live like a person who is not Jewish. So how can you insist that people who are not Jewish must live like Jews?"

Be careful as you go through life that you yourself do not fall into this trap. In talking with someone one day, I tried to give him advice that I myself did not do like I should. How can I tell him what to do? I later worked on the problem in my own life and can now speak to fix that problem.

Work on things in your life, work with others. Do not ask others what you cannot do yourself. And especially do not put them down when they do not do what you yourself cannot do.