Thursday, September 18, 2008


September 17, 2008

Daniel 10:11-13 (WEB)
11 He said to me, Daniel, you man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright; for am I now sent to you. When he had spoken this word to me, I stood trembling.
12 Then he said to me, Don’t be afraid, Daniel; for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard: and I have come for your words’ sake.
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but, behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me: and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

God wants to answer our prayers. When Daniel, who was an old man at this time, some say in his 90's, prayed, God sent someone to answer, but the answer was delayed by demonic activity.

I know in my own life I struggle daily with many problems. I often will pray to God for understanding of why I can not seem to get deliverance from them. As in Daniel's life, I wonder if the answer is coming but it has just been delayed. For example, one of my problems was dealt with in some podcast that I downloaded last July. I intended to listen to them then but they got thrown on my MP3 player and then forgotten till I ran through them this week. Was the answer there and Satan did not want me to hear it?

I ask, and you should to, that Satan be bound in his attempts to block the message we need to hear from God at the time we need to hear it. In Jesus name...AMEN

Read through the Bible in historical order
Daniel 10:1-12:13
Ezra 1:1-3:13
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