Tuesday, January 1, 2008


January 1, 2008

Genesis 2:18 NET
(18) The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion for him who corresponds to him."

The King James versions says a help meet. That kind of brings up a negative connotation, doesn't it? God is our helper however. He stands with us and helps us through our difficult times. He does not try to force us to do things His way or to withhold from us if we do not do as He says. The New English Translation seems to have it right here, a companion to corresponds to him.

The man is not to be the head of the woman, and the woman is not to be the head of the man. In the way things are in God's way of doing things, man is the one responsible for how the relationship works out and how the family unit is to survive. It should not be the man's or woman's dreams that drive the things in their relationship, it should be the dream that they both shared when they united as one.

If you are reading this now you fall into one of three categories and my advice is as follows:

1) You are looking to get married, or are single and following God's leading. If this is the case, make sure that you and your future mate have the same dreams for your future. Know what he or she wants and know that it is right for you. If one is expecting to be asuccess in one way and the other has a different image, now is the time to get out before one gets hurt.

2) You are married and finding out that your dreams are compatible or not. If they are, good, go for it. God has that mate that corresponds to you. If not, God had still called you to do what He has asked you to do. You may not do it on the grand scale you had hopped for, but keep at it. You are responsible for the dream that God put into your heart, not your mate.

3) You are in a position to council others who are about to or will get married in the future. Council them to follow their hearts in their dreams but to make sure that their dreams arecompatible. You can not stop them from doing what they will do, but you can give them advice.

Today's read through the Bible:
Genesis 1:1-3:24
Genesis 4:1-7:24