Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why is something wrong?

January 5, 2008

Job 9 (Message)

1 Job continued by saying:

2 "So what's new? I know all this. The question is, 'How can mere mortals get right with God?'

3 If we wanted to bring our case before him, what chance would we have? Not one in a thousand!

Job and his friends, what a team. One of his friends has just told him the reason for all the problems is a sin that he commuted but will not admit to. Now we have an advantage that they did not. The problems, we know from reading chapter 1, were caused by the devil.

To his credit, Job does not deny that it is possible that he sinned, but he has done a morality check on himself and does not see where it is.So he asks the question, how can we know that is right and what is wrong? Think about it for a moment. Is something wrong because God says it is? Or is it already wrong and God tells us it is. If it is the first.God can change His mind, He did it all over the place in Exodus. If He can change his mind, and it is wrong because God says it is, then there is no absolutes. In this case, Job is trying to hit a moving target. God could declare something wrong and Job would not know it. We know that it is wrong and God says it is wrong, not that it is wrong because God says it is wrong. Job did not have that luxury.

So now, we need to find out what is right and what is wrong. That is simple, we love God with our whole heart. If that we can not do wrong. Does that mean we will not have problems. Nope. Job had lots of them and God called him righteous in chapter 1. Let us only hope that we do not have the problems of Job.

Read through the Bible in Historical Order


Job 6:1-9:35


Job 10:1-13:28