Monday, May 7, 2007

May 7, 2007 - ..which art in heaven...

May 7, 2006

Luk 11:2 KJV
(2) ...which art in heaven, ...

What a strange little phrase. In the King James times, it meant a lot more that it does to us today. 'Which art' would be better translated if I am reading my concordance right, 'the one who is". So a better translation would be the one who is in Heaven. Why would Jesus direct us to pray to the Father in heaven? I would guess it would have to do with who you think your Father is.

Jesus will go on to talk about forgiveness and providing for us as things to pray. If your image of God (see yesterday's devotional) is one of a vengeful judge who is going to hammer you down if you get out of line, you might be praying to the wrong god. To me that sounds more like Satan. He is a deceiver and will let you pray to a false image of the real God.

Think about it. Can you pray to God to bless you if you think He will squash you? A stream can not have bitter and sweet water. God can not be like two different personalities. If God was like that he would be of two minds.

Where does your God reside?