Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where is God?

August 30, 2007

While on my way home from work tonight, I heard a song that was talking about if Jesus came to visit your house today, would your actions change? Now we all know that Jesus is in us so that all actions we take are done in His presence anyway, so I did not see much sense to the song. To me that was a given.

But then I had another thought, where is God? I mean I know Jesus is in me, and I know that God is everywhere, but is there any scripture to back that up.

1Ki 18:15 KJV
(15) And Elijah said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely shew myself unto him to day.

Elijah stood in the Lord's presence. But at this time he was talking to Obadiah, who with the King of Israel was looking for land to take care of their flocks. Now, how could Elijah be both places? He was either telling a lie or he was well aware that he was in the presence of God. I do not believe that it was the lie, and if you do you can stop reading now. I know that God cares for me (and you) as much as he cares for Elijah, so if Elijah was in God's presence, am I not also in it as I type these words and you as they are read. He is with us all the time, as Jesus is with us.

Just think, you have two beings looking over your shoulder as you do your stuff. Think you better behave now?