May 11, 2007 - Our Daily Bread
May 11, 2007
Luk 11:3 KJV
(3) Give us day by day our daily bread.
Mathew's version of the Our Father, the one that we most often pray, differs from the one in Luke that we have been exploring. In place of 'Give us this day our daily bread," Luke says to 'give us day by day our daily bread'. Not much difference really, is there? Well I think there is a little difference. You see give us our daily bread means we have food for each day. It would be compared to us going in to the market when we get paid and buying enough food for the month. We have our daily bread. But the prayer in Luke is much different. It says give us day by day what we need. Each day we are to believe God for what we need for that day. If you do not think that this is much of a difference, try being poor and having to live day by day, not knowing where the next bit of money will be coming from.
The point here is that we need to get our eyes off of our jobs, our inheritance, what ever we believe it is that will provide our income. We need to focus on God to give it to us, day by day.