Sunday, November 25, 2007

Can God make a rock He can not lift up?

November 25, 2007

Years ago I was in a service where the preacher was talking to people about leading others to Jesus. In it he said that when someone argues with you about the unsaved that will never hear about Jesus not to answer that question. Like the woman at the well in John's Gospel, they are trying to change the subject. Another thing that he could have said was:

2 Timothy 2:23 YLT
(23) and the foolish and uninstructed questions be avoiding, having known that they beget strife,

Foolish arguments can be any number of things. I joke with my daughter when I ask her the question, if God can do anything, can He make a rock so big that He can not lift it. She finally got smart and quoted this verse to me! It really is a useless question, like the one about the unsaved ones. The focus should not be on those who never hear about Jesus but the ones that do. The focus should not be on the fact that God is so powerful, but that He uses that power for us.

Stay out of foolish arguments, especially with your husband or wife. Look for God in everything.