Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Apr 4, 2007 - Are we alone in the universe?

Apr 4, 2007

I have loved Science Fiction since I was a child. I have loved the thoughts of being able to visit other planets and meet new life forms, learn to be able to talk with them, etc. The concept was just interesting to me. When I became a Christian, someone recommended a book series by C. S. Lewis, his so called 'Space Trilogy'. Of that I only read one, 'Out of the Silent Planet,' but it would forever change how I looked at space travel again. In it, the story teller is kidnapped and taken to Mars (though it has a different name in the book), by fellow humans that want to mine Mars of its riches. The Martians are pure beings and have no 'sin' in them. Man of course infects them with the idea of greed and sin follows. My question then became, if there is life on other planets, did Jesus have to die for them also? Was Jesus death here on earth good enough for them, or did He have to die multiple times for each planet's people? In my search I turned towards what should be the ultimate answer to all, the Bible.

Joh 3:16 KJV
(16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I have looked at many translations of this verse and all say God so loved the 'world', not worlds. One commentary says an early translation for Persic people makes the translation to be all men. Even with that it still would mean people of this world.

As we approach this time of Easter, I again have started to think these same thoughts and I have again come to the same conclusion. While not being dogmatic about it, I believe that we are along in the Universe. We are the reason that God put every planet where it is and that He did it for us. And when the problems came from Adam, he was willing to send Jesus to be a sacrifice for us.

Remember that God loved you so much, that He sent Jesus for you. God loves you. How do you feel about yourself?