Saturday, April 21, 2007

Apr 21, 2007 - Hearing from Jesus

Apr 21, 2007

Joh 10:27-30 LONT
(27) My sheep, as I told you, obey my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
(28) Besides, I give them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any one wrest them out of my hands.
(29) My Father, who gave them me, is greater than all; and none can wrest them out of my Father's hand.
(30) I and the Father are one.

Several years after I received Jesus, I set about to memorize verses from the Bible. The first set that I attempted to learn was John 10:28-29, the middle of today's verses.

Verse 28 tells us of the powerful fact, that Jesus gives us eternal life with Him. Once we have accepted Him, no one can steal us from Him. This verse by itself is enough of a promise to rejoice on if you believe it. But then, verse 29 follows it up. God the Father gave us to Jesus. If they could get us out of Jesus' hands, then they would have to face God the Father, and He is so powerful, no one can take them from Him. If you ever had any doubt to your salvation, those two verses should take care of it all.

But that rose sits between two other flowers. Verse 27, "My sheep hear me," Jesus clearly states. And they follow Him. Do you hear from Jesus. Do you listen for Him in the still small voice in side you. Oh, I know, that still small voice is supposed to be God, or the Holy Spirit. Well Jesus takes care of the in verse 30. He clearly states that He is equal and one with the Father. Now, when you hear that voice, who is speaking? If it is any part of the triune God, it is God, be it Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.

Jesus will speak to you if you listen. If you have accepted Him as saviour of your life, there is no reason that He will not speak to you. Conversely, if you do not hear Him, do you belong to Him.

Take some time today to listen to that voice and know without a doubt that you will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus.

Translation Information
Alexander Campbell's Living Oracles,
The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, Commonly Styled the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek.