Friday, April 13, 2007

Apr 13, 2007 - A friend

Apr 13, 2007

Psa 55:12-13 BBE
(12) For it was not my hater who said evil of me; that would have been no grief to me; it was not one outside the number of my friends who made himself strong against me, or I would have kept myself from him in a secret place;
(13) But it was you, my equal, my guide, my well-loved friend.

It is so painful when some one that you truly love, that you think is your best friend, turns on you. When someone you know does not like you or whom you barely know turns against you, that is not great loss. You knew already that they were not looking out for your well being. Someone who you trust is another story. They might as well have stuck a knife in your back.

Psa 55:22 BBE
(22) Put your cares on the Lord, and he will be your support; he will not let the upright man be moved.

Know that the Lord is your support. He is the one that you can turn to when ever there are problems. He is the one that will never stab you in the back.

The Bible In Basic English was printed in 1965 by Cambridge Press in England. Published without any copyright notice and distributed in America, this work fell immediately and irretrievably into the Public Domain in the United States according to the UCC convention of that time.