Wednesday, August 10, 2011


August 10, 2011
The Life of Jesus; read today: The farewell discourse; John 15:1-16:33

As I write these words it is morning in the Tulsa area where I live.  A huge thunder storm has just passed through the area taking down tree limbs and knocking out power.  It has also cooled down what has been an extremely hot summer with temperatures in triple digits for the last month and a half.   Still, when the storm came through, I was sound asleep.  It was not always this way however.  

As a child I was scared of storms. When power went out I was in fear.  I was a latch key kid before the term became well used. In the 1950’s and 60’s my mom and dad both worked.  By first grade I was letting myself into the house as my older brothers would be off playing someplace.  So I spent a lot of time alone.  We did not have a lot of storms, but when they came they were strong and I was alone.  

Now I am older.  I have learned one thing through the teachings of the Gospel that have let me sleep through violent storms like the one last night.

ESV: John 16:32. Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me.

Like Jesus, I am never truly alone.  I always have Him with me to weather the storms.  I must make the effort however, to remind myself of that in day to day life.  While I seem to be able to deal with natural storms, the storms inside myself will take a bit more taming, I know I can do it though because the Father is with me.

Read for next time: Jesus prays for his disciples; John 17:1-26