Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Your Life

August 4, 2010

The life of Jesus. Read Today: Jesus explains that He is the good Sheppard: John 10:7-18

(World English Bible)
John 10:
17 Therefore the Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again.
18 No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down by myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. I received this commandment from my Father.

Yesterday I talked about how we choose to remember Jesus voice and follow it or walk away.  Today is just the same thing in a different verse.  Jesus had a choice as He walked the earth.  He could do what God the Father wanted, or not. It was not a foregone conclusion that He would want to take on the cross, He had to do it of His free will.  He had the power to lay down His life for us and He had the choice to also take back His life.

We are a little different however.  We have the power to lay down our life for Jesus.  We do it in the way we live our lives day to day.  Do we do the things Jesus would have done, or at least try to do them?  We can also take our lives back again like Jesus did.  Only with us it is different.  We choose, when we take our lives back again, to walk away from what Jesus did for us. To take control of the wheel so to speak.  At that moment in time, we start to not hear the Shepard calling to us.

Jesus took His life back so that we would be able to go to heaven, as He beat the grave for us.  We take back our lives and we start to mess up the work He has done for us.  

Who has your life now?  Jesus, or yourself?

Read for next time: Division among the Jews:John 10:19 - 21
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