Monday, April 23, 2007

Apr 23, 2007 - I got the power

Apr 23, 2007

Joh 19:11 KJV
(11) Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

It is so important to know where the power comes from in your life. So very often we want to blame others for what are our own faults. We can say that our spouse forced us to do something because our needs were not being met, giving them to power. We can say that the company we work for limits our income by paying us so little, which takes away our responsibility of finding a better job. It can even be said by children that parents control them, as well as parents can say that children control them.

In reality, there are only people that control you. One is yourself. Wow, that is a unique concept. I control myself. I am responsible for everything that goes on in my life. I make the decisions that allow others to control or not control me. I make the choice to read a devotional like this. I make the choice to read my Bible each day. I make the choice to get a new job or stay put. I make the choice to get a better education.

The other person that has control over you is God. Wow, another unique concept. The one who spoke the world into existence has control over my life. He allows the sun to shine on me or the rain to fall. He controls someone running out of gas 10 miles before they were going to hit my car. He allows me to have the brain cells I need to kick in for the test I am taking or the job that I am doing. Jesus clearly states here that the only way someone can have power over us is that God has put them in a position of power over us.

Notice one other thing though. Jesus was equal to the Father. He did not have to stand there and be spoken to by Pilate that way. He could have waved His hand and the universe would have unraveled. He chose to be where He was. He submitted to authority. We can look at this and say He submitted to Pilate's authority but that would not be quite right. He had submitted to the authority of the Father. Jesus did not want to be where He was but the night before He told His Father, 'thy will be done'.

So even though we may look at things and say there are two, God and ourselves, that control us, only one really does. While God can control what goes on around us, we are the ones who choose to submit to Him and let Jesus be Lord of our life. Something to think about today, who controls your life?