Friday, March 9, 2007

Mar 9, 2007 - Live in peace

Mar 9, 2007

Rom 12:18 ISV
(18) If possible, so far as it depends on you, live in peace with all people.
International Standard Version v1.2.2 Copyright © 1996-2001 The ISV Foundation.
One if the hardest things to do each day is to live at peace with all people. Notice that Paul is telling us, that as much as it is possible in our selves, to live in peace with all people. Some people are going to be having a bad day, they will be angry with you, they will want to start a fight with you or maybe push your buttons so that you will start one. Those people's actions are beyond your control. There is only one person that you are responsible for, that you can control. That person is you.

I cannot be responsible for another person cutting me off in traffic, but I can be responsible for how I react to them. I can try to control my anger and not react. When my spouse does something to upset me do I go off with both guns blaring or do I try to work with them to resolve what is getting me upset. When someone takes credit at work for something that I did, do I plan my revenge for that person?

God does not call us to make the other person perfect. He does call us to be at peace. It is one of the fruits of the Spirit that we are to try to obtain. Is it easy? No, especially when you want to call down fire from heave and make the other person into burnt toast. Is it reachable? Most definitely.

Like most other things that you achieve in this earthly body, it will have to be archived in stages. You cannot just say one day, I will not get angry any more, I live at peace with everyone. As soon as you say that, all the demons of hell will be let loose to make you break that vow.
There are two things that you can do to help:
  1. Make small steps and progress towards them. God has only given you the now. In a sermon I recently heard, the minister spoke about loving someone the rest of their life when you cannot stand them now. Can you love them for one day he asked. Yes. OK, then do it today and let tomorrow be tomorrow. Break up your goals into weekly, daily, or even hourly goals if you have to.
  2. Find a good person (not a spouse) that you can confide in. Find someone whose council you can trust. When the problems seem to be getting to be too much, turn to them for help. Talk to them and seek out their wisdom. God will put someone like that in your life if you ask Him.

Now go and live in peace, at least for the next 24 hours.