Saturday, March 3, 2007

Mar 3, 2007 - Its only words....

Mar 3, 2007

Pro 29:20 MKJV
(20) Do you see a man hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
Modern King James Version, copyright © 1962-1998 by Jay P. Green, Sr. All rights reserved.

The writer of Proverbs clearly thinks that a fool is one of the worst people in life when it comes to the social ladder. So if he marks someone as lower on the list, then it might be time to take notice of it.

In our fast world that we live in we want everything instant. Where our previous generations would have to squeeze the orange juice by hand for breakfast, we can get it out of a can to mix up, or even just pour it from a bottle. Where they would measure ingredients to make waffles or pancakes, we just pop them into the toaster oven. In years gone by, a long distance romance was one that meant 3 to 5 days for the next mail from your sweetie to arrive. Now it means getting to a computer so that we can IM, email or chat with person. Am I advocating going back to the good old days? Not at all.

What we need to stop and take a look at is the fact that we are often, in this fast paced world, to quick to say things. Often those things can be hurtful. I remember receiving a compliment not to long ago. I do not receive compliments well so it was a miracle that I just accepted it and went on. I felt I had turned a corner in my life. When I told someone close to me about it, the reaction was, well, anyone could do that. That is no great achievement. The words were said so fast that this person did not realize what they were saying.

Once a word has left your mouth, it can never be pulled back in again. It is out there and it is a seed planted in that other person. Have I forgiven this person for their words? Yes. Are the feelings of hurt still there? Yes. Once the pain is inflicted, the mark will be there for a long time to come. As a child I got a scar on my finger. Now nearly 50 years later I can still see the mark it left behind. Your words will leave a mark behind for years to come.

No wonder the author of provers puts a man with hasty words on the bottom of the social ladder.