Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mar 7, 2007 - A peculiar people

Mar 7, 2007

1Pe 2:9 AUV-NT
(9) But you people are especially chosen [by God]; you are a royal body of priests; you are a nation especially set apart for God’s use; you are a people who belong exclusively to God, that you may express the virtues of the One who called you out of darkness [i.e., of sin and error], and into His marvelous light [i.e., righteousness and truth].
The New Testament: An Understandable Version,
© 1994 by William E. Paul,
The King James version of this verse does us a great dis-service. It states that we are a 'peculiar people.' I remember for years saying to myself that I am odd. I am a Christian so I am different from the world, I must stand out. I must make people take notice of me because I am weird. Even a Christian song of the time, said that we are peculiar and if society does not agree, well that is OK.

Peculiar here means that we are unique, not weird. In fact, a better definition would be purchased. You have been purchased by God through the blood of Jesus. So what have you been purchased for?

  • You are a royal priest. You do not need to go through the priesthood to get attention from God for you are a priest, a high level priest at that, a royal priest. You have the ear of the King of Kings. You do not have to bring asacrifice to the King, Jesus was that sacrifice. There is no wall between you and God, you can talk to Him like you do your own father.
  • You are set apart for God's use. God has a purpose for your life. It may be to council someone. It may be to be a minister. It may be something small, it may be something large. God has set you apart for a job. Time to ask Him what it is.
  • You are to tell others how you were called out of darkness and into His kingdom of light. That is the most important job and if you do not know what you are set apart for, at least you know this. Every believer has been called for this. If nothing else, tell someone of what He has done for you today.