Wednesday, May 2, 2012


April 14, 2012

The Life of Jesus; read today: "Into Thy hands I commit my spirit."; Luke 23:46

I can remember when my kids were little, I would hold out my hands when they were up high someplace and scared. I would tell them to jump into my hands, that I would catch them.  Sometimes it would work, sometimes not.  When it did, there was a level of trust built up between us.  Because of that, when other situations would arise,  I could get trust from them much easier.  Why? because a level of trust had already been reached with them.

Think about how much Jesus trusted the Father.

Common: Luke 23:46. And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." And having said this, he breathed his last.

This is the ultimate in trust.  Jesus was being killed for something He did not do. He had the sins of all man on Him. The Father had abandoned Him, and yet, He called out and in His last words said, Father, I trust you.

I often have problems letting God fix some of the areas of my life. It is not because I do not believe He can handle it, it is because I do not trust Him to do it my way.  Yet like Jesus, I need to trust God in all areas of my life.  My way may be the right way to do something, but if I am not trusting God in it, then I am not trusting God.  If Jesus can trust Him with all He went through, I can also learn to trust Him in all areas of my life.

Read for next time: Jesus bows his head and dies;  Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46; John 19:30