December 17, 2007
You know, I am an idiot. I hear students tell me that all the time. I have to reassure them that they are not. That we are all smart in one thing or another, and that is why they are in class, to learn computers better.
But, I am an idiot. For some reason I cannot get my pea size brain to understand why Jesus did what He did?
Philippians 2:6-7 CEV
(6) Christ was truly God. But he did not try to remain equal with God.
(7) Instead he gave up everything and became a slave, when he became like one of us.
He gave up everything and took on the form of a man. I know why He did it, so we could have salvation. But why did He do it. Why did he take our form, what was it like? Did He lay in his bed and know He was God? Did He somehow forget all that, and that with a single burp form Him, miracles could happen? When He was six and helping Joseph out around the wood shop, did He look at nails and know what they would be used for on Him. Did every event that He saw remind Him of what was to come?
How could He go from knowing the universe to not being able to see only what was around His physical body? That is what I can not understand. How could Jesus have done that? What was His young life like? Salvation is easy to accept. What Jesus sacrificed in just leaving the presence of the Father God, that I can not comprehend.